TSERKOVNOST::An Eastern Orthodox Resource Centre

For our faith, brethren, is not of men nor by man, but by revelation of Jesus Christ, which the divine Apostles preached, the holy Ecumenical Councils confirmed, the greatest and wisest teachers of the world handed down in succession, and the shed blood of the holy martyrs ratified. Let us hold fast to the confession which we have received unadulterated from such men, turning away from every novelty as a suggestion of the devil.

Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs, 1848


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The Life and Works of St. Ephrem the Syrian
The Orthodox Church and the Christians of the Reformation
An Introduction to Orthodox Christianity for Lutherans, Reformed, & Anglicans
The Longer Catechism of the Orthodox, Catholic, Eastern Church
or, the Catechism of St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow
The Truth About the Serbs and Yugoslavia

Featured Articles

Evolution: A New Fundamentalism
by Fr. Serafim Gascoigne
God and Tsunamis
by Dr. Vladimir Moss
The Dogma Of Redemption Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
by Dr. Vladimir Moss
Orthodoxy in America
by Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina
Orthodox Unity Today
by Bishop Photii of Triaditza
True Orthodoxy
by Archbishop Averky of Syracuse
Orthodox People Apart
by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna
Orthodoxy Ad Captandum: Christianity for the Guys Requires Adobe Acrobat
by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna
The Traditional Calendar of the Orthodox Church
by Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff
The Appearance of the Sign of the Cross Near Athens in 1925
The Ascetic Podvig of Living in the World
by Metropolitan Laurus of Eastern America & New York

Links to Other Orthodox Sites

Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate
Russian Patriarchal Parishes in the USA
Serbian Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church of Greece--Holy Synod in Resistance
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in North America
Orthodox Church in America
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies
Orthodox Christian Information Center
Monachos Orthodox Monasticism and Patristics
The Pilgrim's Way
Synaxis Library of Eastern Orthodox Resources
Saint Nectarios Press
The Sarov Press
Let Us Attend :: Orthodox Apologetics
Eastern Christian Supply Co.
Orthodoxy Today

Saint Photios the Great, Saint Mark Evgenikos, and Saint Gregory Palamas: the Pillars of Orthodoxy

Saint Nectarios of Aegina

St. Paissy Velichkovsky

TSERKOVNOST::An Eastern Orthodox Resource Centre is an independent non-incorporated non-profit religious educational institution established under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Florida. It is not an official organ of any particular Orthodox jurisdiction.

Our mission and projects are subsidized by organizations and companies that are deliberately interested in doing it so. That said, we also have friends from the immersive world of internet casino games played for free or real money, which we think it's important to mention and break the stigma. Faith and solidarity recognize no boundaries and that is the sole message we want to spread to the world.


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Director :: Ephrem Hugh Bensusan, L.Th.

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